Role of promotional items with logo in advertising your businesses

Catlin Thoms
3 min readJan 13, 2022


promotional items with logo
Photo by Karly Jones on Unsplash

Many companies tend to equip the current employees with promotional items like coffee mugs or t-shirt which may help promote their brand. But the majority of the small business owners tend to ignore the fact that these giveaways are great at developing brand loyalty and advertising your business. Moreover, most of them do not know how they can make use of these items correctly. So, to make the process simpler for them following are some of the ideas which can help in advertising your businesses through promotional items.

1. Employee Appreciation:

There is not a single business owner who will say no to the idea of making their employees happy as they are equally important. So, employees can be rewarded with some gifts that have your logo imprinted on them like a coffee mug or t-shirt. Such giveaways for employee appreciation purposes can help in generating brand awareness and loyalty among the workforce and it will increase the chances of getting suggestions from your employees.

2. Rewarding Customers:

You can also print the name of the employee on a wallet or employee ID card and give it to any customer as a gift so that they stay loyal to you and feel obliged for your kindness. Moreover, you can reward them with customized giveaways that have referred some new customers to your business.

3. Event Sponsorship:

Customized giveaways can also be used at nightclub events for advertisement purposes. You can hire such event managers who will not only charge less but their promotional tactics are much more effective and creative than the traditional advertising methods. Moreover, you do not need too much money for this purpose as it can be affordable through funding companies.

4. Special Promotions:

Promotional items with logo of the best quality can also be given to the customers so that they feel obliged and treat your business special. For example, you can give them a customized pen with your brand name on it which will definitely help in increasing brand awareness among current as well as potential customers. Though you must keep in mind that the giveaways should be of high quality and they must represent your company well.

5. Trade Shows:

The most effective way to make your presence at the trade show is by hiring some booth designers who will help you in creating custom giveaways for advertisement purposes. Also, these promotional items must be of good quality and should represent your business well.

6. Sponsoring Social Events:

You can sponsor some social events like school club’s fundraiser by providing them branded giveaways in order to advertise your brand in front of the general public. Also, you can sponsor local rugby teams or charity walks in order to get maximum exposure.

No matter what business you are in, promotional items with logos can be used for advertising purposes. All you need is some time and budget for this purpose.


So, if you are looking for an effective marketing tool then do not hesitate to go for promotional items as they can help you in attracting and engaging both current and potential customers and thus increasing brand awareness among them.

